Compact and complete outdoor kitchen in Nijkerk

Locatie Nijkerk

Warmth and design in one element

From a distance, it's already quite noticeable: the COOXS outdoor kitchen is a striking feature in the garden of Bunt Hoveniers. The robust leather-look countertop elegantly complements the deep black cabinets and bronze details of the adjacent shed. The symmetry of the outdoor kitchen is further enhanced by the herb planter with built-in spotlights at the back. Placing a sizable picnic table in line with the kitchen invites its use. Legendary Friday afternoon drinks are easily within reach.

In collaboration with Bunt Hoveniers


The robust leather-look countertop in a warm color extends into the side panels, creating a solid block element and naturally making the outdoor kitchen a standout feature. The centrally positioned Big Green Egg is seamlessly built into the countertop and is flanked by a convenient storage cabinet and an outdoor refrigerator cabinet.